Last Saterday I visited Measurecamp Amsterdam and gave my first presentation. I presented a playground for GTM Server. How to setup your local and online environment so you can test and debug with GTM Server.

My setup

My setup exists of the following

  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  • Javascript & Go
  • Hugo as a SSG (Static Site Generator)
  • Created my own middleware for analytics
  • Publish my code to Github
  • Enabled auto deployment to Netlify
  • Netlify Netlify as hosting platform
  • Netlify function for server to gtm server tagging
  • Netlify function for server side cookies
  • as my GTM Server setup environment
Netlify Logo

I played with client to server (Data Tag) and server to server (Measurement Protocol). All the tools above helped me to play with GTM Server and see how things work. I tested the server to server setup and learned how to read the cookie information to sent along the mp request to GTM Server.

The Data Tag helped me to learn about how to sent the complete dataLayer object to GTM Server and be able to use the data in there to sent along with other Events.

You can find the presentation here.

If you have any questions, let me know.